BLN Roleplay Wiki
Basic Info
Age 27
Birthday ???
Gender Female
Race Orphenoch
Classification Rider-tan
Affiliation Rider-tans, Wayne Manor
Chumhandle ???
Origin World Kamen Rider 555
Powers Enhanced Strength, Kaijin form, enhanced Healing Factor
Weapons Faiz Blaster, Faiz Edge, Faiz Phone
Equipment Faiz Driver, Faiz Phone, Autovajin, Faiz Shot, Faiz Pointer, Faiz Axel Watch
Status Inactive
Face Claim Yamabuki Inori(Fresh PreCure)
Player Ivory

 ((Note: All Transformed pictures, save for Enraged Oprhenoch form, of Takumi are by Kazuu_HP))

Takumi is normally a nomadic person, taking odd jobs town to town, formerly settled down working at a Laundromat in Tokyo

Skills and Abilities[]


Takumi's Orphenoch form while retaining her humanity, art by Kazu_HP


Takumi's Enraged Oprhenoch form

Takumi has overtime gained an exceptional knowledge of dry cleaning, able to get all the stains out every time.

Takumi's Orphenoch abilities give her a more durable monster form that is stronger and much faster than her human form, the wolf orphenoch, however being from the Rider-tan world, being able to retain her humanity Takumi's Orphenoch form instead manifests as a secondary form to her Rider-tan form.  If in an enraged state, when accessing her Orphenoch form, she'll take on the more Monstrous full Orphenoch form.


Takumi using the Faiz Gear


Takumi using Faiz Axel

As Faiz, Takumi has enhanced Strength and speed, rivaling that of even the most powerful Orphenochs, it being dwarfed only by the Dragon and Arch.  She also has access to the Faiz Edge, a Blade formed from the handle bar of Autovajin.  

Using the Axel Watch, Takumi can activate Faiz Axel Form, which for 10 seconds allows her to move at about 5 times the speed of sound, with enhanced strength and mental processes, repeated use of this function, called "Start Up" can cause intense fatigue to the user.


Takumi using Blaster Form

Using the Faiz Blaster, Takumi can access Faiz Axel Form.  Faiz Axel form allows 

Takumi the ability of flight, triple the strength of normal Faiz, and access to 

enhanced version of all of her other attacks and gadgets.  The Faiz Blaster itself has the ability to fire a large 

Photon Laser at enemies and can turn into an energy blade fpr Takumi's Use. 


"I don't have a dream, but you know, I can protect dreams." -Takumi

Takumi is a normally solitary individual, not having any aspirations in her life, but with her strong sense of justice, and a desire to protect people, she makes her way through life.  Once you get to know her, she'll likely crack a few jokes around you, and be generally friendly in your pressence.  


Having arrived through a rift in the sky with her bike, Takumi fell ontop of the roof and soon moved in after.

She assisted in one of the battles against the Brimstone Knights, using the Blaster Form, and was involved recently in the Kamen Rider Tournament, where she made it to the semi-finals where she was defeated by Lambada-11

Relationship Guide[]
